Alerts Maintenance

To access:  VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Utilities > Alerts > Maintain Email Alerts

This utility lets you control the programs, program events, and scheduled file transmissions (hereinafter in this topic referred to collectively as programs) that are monitored by VR Dashboard. The VR Dashboard display informs administrative users when certain aspects of the Voter Focus system are not performing as they should.

The utility also lets you set up the system to send emails when a monitored program doesn’t appear to be functioning. Everything reported on the VR Dashboard display is also reported in the email, so you can get all the information available about a failure from the email without having to go to your computer and check VR Dashboard. Only one email is sent per failure. That is, if an alert condition persists, the email recipients will not receive more than one email about the failure.

If you don't want to receive VR Dashboard notices and email messages on a monitored program during a certain part of the day, you can set a blackout period for that program. During the blackout period, no alert emails will be sent, nor will an alert be posted on VR Dashboard. You might want to use this feature when you have a program that shuts itself down every night, which causes it to show an alert every morning when it comes back up. A blackout period during the program's "wakeup" would prevent an alert being sent. You might also use blackout periods for times when it isn't important when a program has issues, such as on weekends. If the program still has issues after the blackout period expires, you will receive an alert.

Set Up VR Dashboard Notices and Emails