Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Case List

To access:  Vote By Mail > Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection > Run Fraud Detection

This dialog lists the groups of Vote-By-Mail requests sharing the same IP or email address, known as cases. For more about fraud detection, see About Capturing Questionable Vote-By-Mail Requests from the Web.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Run Fraud Detection

Runs the Fraud Detection program, which checks all requests submitted on the website, beginning with the first one on the start date defined on the Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Parameters dialog, and placing a hold on any meeting the email or IP address thresholds defined on the same dialog. The results of the run are displayed in the case list. Details on a case can be accessed by highlighting a case and clicking Select.


Opens the Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Parameters dialog, where you can set the run-time parameters for the Fraud Detection program.

Show only cases with Pending requests

Filters out cases where a full evaluation of the requests—either to release or block—has already been made so the user can concentrate on cases where assessment is still needed.


The identifying number assigned by the system to the case.

IP Address/Email Address

The address that all requests in the case share in common.

Case Type

This can be FullIPAddress(where the common element is a source IP address) orFullEmailAddress(where the requests share the same email address for delivery of ballots).


The number of requests in the case with the assigned dispositions. See Disposition_of_Requests for more information.


Comments about the case. The Fraud Detection program enters a comment initially, which can be edited by the user on the Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Case Details dialog.


Click to open the Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Case Details dialog for the highlighted case.