Process Web Vote-By-Mail Requests

To access:  Vote By Mail > Process Web Requests > {request}

From this dialog, you can process a Vote-By-Mail Request submitted on your website into the voter's record. The election's status must be Active or Return Processing Only to process Vote-By-Mail Requests submitted on the web.

Note: Once a Web Request has been processed (either by pressing Save or Save and Print), a row recording this activity will appear on the Comms tab of the affected voter's Voter Maintenance record. The Web Absentee Request communication will reflect the date the request was submitted, not the date it was processed.

If the voter has already voted—either by voting early, by in-office absentee, or by returning a mail ballot—you will see a message to that effect when you access the request. At that point you can either reject the request or process it manually. Either way removes it from the queue. No record of the rejection or decision to manually process the request is made on the voter's Audit tab.

 If the election's status is not one of these, you will see a message to that effect and you should reject the request.

When you access a request, if you see messages indicating:

  • the election's status is not Active or Return Processing Only


  • the voter's precinct is not voting in the election

you should reject the request. No record will be made in the voter's record.

If the voter making the request is a Protected Voter, the program will hide the residence, mailing, and ballot addresses by displaying **Protected**.