Report Archive

To access:  REPORTING > Report Archive

This dialog lists the reports and other files currently archived for the focused election. See About the Archiving of Election Reports for more on archiving.

Click a column heading to sort the list by that column.

Double-click a report name to view it.

The Date column shows the date and time when the report was archived. The Report Name column shows the type of report under which the file was archived.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

New—Opens the Election Reports Archive Add Item dialog where you can select a file to be added to the election archive. See Manually Archiving a Report or Other Document for more information.

Delete—Removes the highlighted report from the archive.

Note:  If you are not in the production database but are using the Training, Sandbox, or Redistricting database, you are not able to archive a report, but this dialog does list any reports archived for the election prior to creation of the backup from which the test database was created.