About the Archiving of Election Reports

Voter Focus has an archival feature that lets you easily store a PDF copy of Elections and Vote-By-Mail reports. The report PDF is automatically stored in a network folder dedicated to the election for which the report was run. You don't need to create the archive folders or worry about selecting the correct election folder to store your report; Voter Focus takes care of all that for you.

Only the latest version of a report is archived. If you archive the same report a second time, the first version in the folder is overwritten.

Reports other than Elections and Vote-By-Mail reports—such as FlexRep reports—can be stored in an election archive folder, but Voter Focus doesn't do it automatically. You will need to do it manually, a process we explain below in Manually archive a report or other document.

Only files from the production (Normal) database can be archived. The Training, Sandbox, and Redistricting databases do not have the archive capability.