Petition Signatures Report

To access:  REPORTING > Reports > Petition Reports > Flexible Petition List

This dialog lets you configure a variety of reports on the signatures verified for the petition in focus.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Report Layout

There are five report layouts:

Batch Selection

Specify if the report should include information for only the current petition batch in focus or for all batches for the petition.

Signatures Selected

Specify what signature types you want to in the report for the petition: all signatures verified, only signatures that were accepted, or only signatures that were rejected.

Rejected Reasons

If you want the list to include only signatures with specific rejection reasons, select the check box(es) for the rejection reason(s) you want. To include all rejection reasons, leave all the check boxes blank.

Date Signature Processed

Specify the date range for the signatures you want to include. This field searches the date entered in the Signed field during the signature-verification process.

Report Sort Order

Select an option to specify how the results in the signature list should be sorted: by signed date, alphabetically by voter's last name, or by petition accept or rejection reason.

Report only entries for <operator>

Select this check box if you only want to include signatures verified or rejected by the current operator.