Convert Ineligible Voters to Deleted Status

At regular intervals you might want to remove long-time Ineligible voters from the registration rolls. To do this, you change their status to Deleted. The Delete Selected Ineligible Voters program finds voters who have been Ineligible for a specified period of time and marks them as Deleted.

Keep in mind that Florida law does not require the deletion of voter records. Also, the time period that an Ineligible voter should remain on the rolls varies. Deceased voters and those who have moved out of state should remain on the Ineligible rolls for at least two years, perhaps four. Felons should never be deleted.

Deleting a voter does not actually remove their record from the database, but it prevents them from being shown during voter searches unless you select the Show Deleted Voters option before running a search. The records of Deleted voters have the status code Z(D) and they are read-only, which means they cannot be modified in any way. Once a voter has been assigned Deleted status, their status cannot be changed.

The Delete Selected Ineligible Voters program works by searching for Ineligible voters with a specific reason code that you specify when you start the run. You also specify a status-change date, which establishes a time period for the voters to be deleted. Voters who became Ineligible for the selected reason on or before the status change date will be selected; those who were made Ineligible after the date will not be. If you want to delete voters having different reason codes, you will need to run the program again for each different reason code.

Users must have the permission DeleteIneligibleVoters to run the program.