System Options—Street Maintenance

To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Street Maintenance

Note:  Options that are disabled are maintained by VR Systems.

Street Maintenance Method—Your county's method for street maintenance; that is, maintenance of the street-segment records in the streets (Streetm) database table. You can only see the options your county is licensed to use.

We recommend that you refrain from changing this option without first discussing the change with VR Systems.

Tip: Some counties change the method from 1, Voter Focus to another method on a temporary basis to lock the production database and prevent changes while your county is undergoing redistricting tasks in Voter Focus.

1, Voter FocusCounty users maintain the streets table via the facilities in STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street Maintenance. This is the default setting.

2, GeoElections—Maintain the streets table using data imported from the county's GeoElections® system and using the GeoElections GIS Interface provided by VR Systems.

3, Generic GIS Interface—Maintain the streets table using data imported from geographic information systems, such as Maptitude, Esri ArcGIS for Desktop, or similar GIS systems, and using the Generic GIS Interface provided by VR Systems.

Redistricting will not move a voter across a Zip Code Boundary—Prevent the Redistricting Update program from incorrectly moving a voter from one mailing city to another. (Note that the program refrains from moving a voter only when it encounters a choice between two mailing cities with the same street address.) We recommend selecting this option. It is designed primarily for counties with multiple cities where the same zip code or street name is used by two or more mailing (USPS) cities.

Cursor Stops in Address Dir Field—Add the Dir field to the stops made by the cursor when a user is tabbing through residence-address fields. This option is useful for counties who normally use a street direction (N, NE, etc.) in residential addresses.

County Does not Use Voter Focus City Election—This option is selected and cannot be changed.

District Type Used for Cities—Set the district type your county uses for cities. The district type must be defined in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > District Types before the district type can appear in this list. If you select a value in this field, you must also select a value in District Type Used for Wards.

The Redistricting Update program inserts the appropriate city-district number into the City field for each street segment. (You can see this on the Street Segment Maintenance dialog.)

District Type Used for Wards—Set the district type your county uses for city wards. The district type must be defined in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > District Types before the district type can appear in this list.