System Codes

To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes

From the System Codes dialog, you can maintain selected tables in the Voter Focus database.

Changes to tables can be made when users are on the system, but to see the changes, users must exit and restart Voter Focus.

To print the list of codes for any table, select a table name on the System Codes dialog, and then click Print on the toolbar.

Note:  District type codes are maintained in System Codes; however, district numbers and descriptions for each type are maintained in STREETS & PRECINCTS > Redistricting > DB Maintenance > Districts.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

System Code Description
Vote-By-Mail Referral Reasons

Codes denoting reasons for referring a returned mail ballot to the Canvassing Board.

When adding or editing one of these codes, you can select "No Signature" Reason to indicate the reason has to do with the voter's ballot envelope not having a signature. See Referrals because the Ballot Is Not Signed for more information.

Branch Site Codes

Codes denoting facilities where voter registration application forms can be submitted by applicants. These codes populate the Registration Source list on the voter registration application form. See Add a Branch Site Code for more information.

Capitalized Address Elements

Address elements that should always be capitalized, such as APO.

Communication Type Codes

Codes used for classifying communications to and from voters.

See Maintain Voter Communication Types for more information.

Denial Reasons

For each Denial reason defined in the database, this table contains a text string that the system enters in the Registration Application Denial Notice, explaining why a voter's application was denied.

Note:  If your Voter Focus system is set up for multiple language support, you will see the Language field with options for Spanish and/or Creole. This lets you enter descriptions in the selected language. Until you enter the Spanish or Creole description, the English text appears in the description boxes as an aid to the translator. (Language options are located in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > System Options > Spanish/English Dual Language and Creole Language Support.)
District Types

The table of district types, such as CC (County Commission district). You can add new district types, change the description of a district type, delete (county-created) district types, and generate a printable list of district types.

The standard district types listed below are provided by Voter Focus and should not be changed or deleted:

  • CC—County Commission
  • CNG—US Congress
  • HSE—Florida House of Representatives
  • SEN—Florida Senate
  • SB—School Board

Voter Focus also has an internal District Type—called ALL—which must not be changed or deleted.

For city districts and city ward districts, we suggest you use the codes CTY and WRD, respectively.

See Set Up Districts for instructions on creating district types and district numbers within each type.

Incomplete Reasons

For each Incomplete reason defined in the database, this table contains a text string that the system enters in Incomplete Registration Notices, explaining why the voter's application is incomplete.

Note:  If your Voter Focus system is set up for multiple language support, you will see the Language field with options for Spanish and/or Creole. This lets you enter descriptions in the selected language. Until you enter the Spanish or Creole description, the English text appears in the description boxes as an aid to the translator. (Language options are located in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > System Options > Spanish/English Dual Language and Creole Language Support.)

The table of party codes. This includes political parties registered with the State as well as any parties added by your county that are not state registered. See Maintain Political Party Codes for more information.

Petition Circulators

The table containing all registered, state-approved circulators. A daily automated process adds circulators that have been added to the State's approved list. However, the automated process does not update expired circulators, nor does it remove old or retired circulators.

For expired and retired circulators, your county can:

  • Select a circulator in the list and clear the Active box. This marks the circulator as inactive but does not remove the item from the list. The circulator can be manually reactivated at any time.
  • Select a circulator and click Delete on the toolbar to remove the item from the list.
Petition Reason Codes

Codes denoting the reasons a petition is accepted or rejected. Codes can be added, modified, and deleted, except for these standard system codes:

  • A—Accepted
  • D—Duplicate signature
  • E—Ineligible
  • I—Wrong District
  • O—Accept Override Address
  • S—Bad signature
  • U—Not registered in this county
Printer Zones

The table of printer zones, usually designated in large offices where printers are located in different areas. Users assigned to a printer zone will have their print jobs directed to the printer in their zone. At the time of this writing, only the Document Maintenance dialog uses printer zones.

ProvisionalLocal Findings

The table of short, standard descriptions used on the New Provisional Ballot Entry dialog, which describes the results of further research into the voter’s eligibility to vote in the election or the reasons why the Canvassing Board tabulated or rejected a provisional ballot. The Reason code can be up to three digits long.

ProvisionalLocal Reasons

The table of local (i.e., secondary) reasons for the issuance of a provisional ballot during early voting or on Election Day. A secondary reason can then be selected along with a statutory reason to provide a better description about why the voter was asked to vote provisionally. The secondary/local reasons appear on the New Provisional Ballot Entry dialog. The Reason code can be up to three digits long.

Race Codes

The table of race codes. You can add and delete race codes and modify race code descriptions.

User Types

The table of user type codes, which populates the User Type field on the User Permissions dialog in Voter Focus Admin. You can create and delete user type codes and modify user type code descriptions.

Access to secured features in Voter Focus is done by granting permission to a user type rather than to individual users. See User Permissions in Voter Focus for a list of secured features.