Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection Case Details

To access:  Vote By Mail > Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection > {case} > Select

On this dialog, you can examine the Vote-By-Mail requests in a single case. These requests, submitted on your county's website, share the same source IP address or delivery email address. You can release individual requests to the Web Request Queue for processing into the voter's record or you can block the request to prevent it going any further in the system. You can also mark an address as approved, in which case all requests in the case will be released (unless they are listed in another case where the address is not approved).

For more about fraud detection, see About Capturing Questionable Vote-By-Mail Requests from the Web.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Case ID (display only)

The identifying number assigned by the system to this case.

IP Address/Email Address (display only)

The address that all requests in the case share in common.


The Fraud Detection program enters the initial comment here, such as "Potential fraud detected coming from IP address" You can edit the system comment and enter additional remarks, if you like.

Approved Address

Select to mark the shared IP or email address as legitimate. This will release all requests in the case to the Web Request Queue for processing into voter records (unless a request appears in another case where the address is not approved). You should select this check box only when you are completely certain that the IP or email address is a known source or delivery location.

Inactive Case

Select to inactivate the case, releasing the IP or email address so that future requests with the address will not be captured by the Fraud Detection program unless the number of requests after inactivation meets the defined threshold at the time the program is run.

IP Address/Email Address

The source IP address or delivery email address for the request.

Voter ID

The voter registration ID on the request.

Entry Date

The date the request was submitted on your website.

Process Date

The date the request was processed into the voter's record. If this field is blank, the request has not been processed.


A request can have one of three dispositions:

Pending—For counties using fraud detection, all web requests are assigned this disposition when they come into the Voter Focus system.

Released—This disposition is assigned by the user upon determination that the request is legitimate. It allows the request to enter the Web Request Queue for processing into the voter's record. Requests with the disposition Released will continue to appear in the case, even after they have been processed.

Note:  The Released check box can be cleared, but this capability is only for immediately correcting the accidental selection of the check box. It is not intended to allow blocking of a previously released request.

Blocked—This disposition is assigned by the user upon determination that the request is fraudulent. It prevents entry of the request into the Web Request Queue. A Blocked request that is later found to be legitimate can be released by the user by selecting the Release check box (described below).

Other Case Info

Indicates that the request is also listed in another case, provided that the case has not been designated a known good case.


Select to release the request to the Web Request Queue. If you select Approved Address(described above), this automatically selects the Release check box for all requests in the case, and when the dialog is saved, the requests will be released (unless they exist in another case).


Select to block a fraudulent request from proceeding further into the system.

Hide requests already processed into voter records

Select to limit the list to requests that can be acted on. Requests that have already been processed into voter records will not appear.