Capturing Questionable Vote-By-Mail Requests from the Web

Voter Focus offers an optional feature to help detect fraudulent Vote-By-Mail requests submitted on your website through the Absentee/Mail Ballot Request Form. The requests are blocked from being processed into voter records, thus preventing the release of mail ballots to those intent upon voter fraud.

To use this feature, you run the Fraud Detection program, which scans requests from a specified time period, looking for those originating from the same IP address or having the same email address for ballot delivery. Requests whose addresses present no issue are passed to the Web Request Queue for processing into voter records. But questionable requests are detained for user review.

During your review, you can release a detained request to the Web Request Queue or you can put an indefinite hold on it. Where an address is known to be legitimate, you can set the Fraud Detection program to pass all requests associated with that address.

The Fraud Detection feature is under Vote By Mail > Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection. To see this feature, your county must have this option selected:

VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote By Mail > Use Vote-By-Mail Fraud Detection

And the user must have the permission:


We recommend you run the Fraud Detection program and evaluate its findings on a daily basis.