List of Street Reports

To access:  REPORTING > Reports > Street Reports

or STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street & Precinct Reports



Alpha List of Streets - 3 Columns

Lists all street names and street aliases, showing the zip code, house number range, and precinct for each.

Bad Voter Addresses

Lists voters whose residential address has no corresponding street segment record.

List of Invalid Street Addresses

Lists street segments where the check box Not a valid residence address flag is selected in the street segment record.

List of Polling Places

Lists the county's election day polling places along with location and contact information.

List of Precincts

Lists the county's precincts and precinct splits in precinct ID order. Each precinct's normal polling place and district assignments are shown as well.

List of Streets

The list can be configured in several different ways, depending on the options you select on the Street Report Order dialog. In all configurations, the report lists street segments in alphabetical order along with beginning and ending house numbers and the number of voters in each segment.

List of Streets with Aliases

Lists street segments to which aliases are assigned. It shows the alias name beneath the street name.

Precinct Override Report

Lists voters manually assigned to a different precinct other than the one assigned by the street table.

Reprecincting Report

Lists voters whose precinct assignment has been changed by county operators.

Street Audit Report - by Date

Lists changes made to street segment records during a specified time period. The audits are listed in date order.

Street Audit Report - by Street

Lists changes made to street segment records during a specified time period. The audits are listed in alphabetical order by street, then by date.

Voter with Addresses Flagged as Invalid

Lists voters whose residential address is in a street segment where the check box Not a valid residence address flag is selected.

Street Segment Reports

The reports below are generated for the street segment currently displayed on the Street Segment Maintenance dialog. To access these reports, click the Reports icon on the dialog toolbar.



Audit Report for this Segment

Lists changes to the street segment in order of occurrence. Information includes the user who made the change and the old and new values.

List of Segments in this Street

Lists all segments in the currently selected street.

List of Voters in all Segments of this Street

Lists the voters living in the current street, including all street segments. The voter's status must be Active, Inactive, or Pre-Reg in order to appear in the list. You have the option of sorting the list by street number or by voter name.

List of Voters in this Segment

Lists the voters living in the current street segment. To be included, the voter's status must be Active, Inactive, or Pre-Reg. You have the option of sorting the list by street number or by voter name.