Street Report Order

To access:  STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street Reports > List of Streets

This dialog lets you choose parameters for the List of Streets report. You can restrict the report to a specific district or city and you can change the sort order. The Landscape Expanded version shows longer names and contains more information than the Portrait Condensed version. You can also exclude streets that do not have a selected street direction.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Sort Order

Alpha Order—Lists all streets in the county in alphabetical order by street name.

One City—Lists all streets in the selected city (and optionally the selected city ward) by street name.

By Precinct—Lists all streets in the selected precinct(s) by street name.

One District—Lists all streets in the selected district and district number by street name. The report is available only in landscape expanded format when the selection for Sort Order is One District.

One USPS City—Lists all streets in the selected city/zip code by street name.

Old CNG District—Lists all streets in the selected "old" congressional district.

City Selection

This box appears when you select one of the following sort orders:

  • One City—You must choose a city name in the first field and optionally a city ward in the second field.
  • One USPS City—You must choose a city/zip code.

District Selection

This box appears when you select By District as the sort order. You must select a value for District Type and District Number.

Report Type

Landscape Expanded—Includes district, city, city ward, and USPS city assignments for each street.

Portrait Condensed—Includes a breakdown of voters by major party for each street.

Show Precinct Splits/Show Polling Places

Includes the precinct or polling place for each street, depending on the option you select.

Only include streets with

Limits the report to streets having the direction (such as E, N, NE, etc.) you select as the street-direction prefix or suffix.