Change a Precinct's Normal Polling Place

The normal polling place is essentially a precinct's permanent polling place. It's the physical location where the precinct normally votes. If you change a precinct's normal polling place, the precinct will be assigned to vote at the new normal polling place for all elections from today going forward. Changing a precinct's normal polling place gives you the option of scheduling the precinct's voters for voter information cards with the new polling place information.

If you have precinct splits within a precinct, the precinct splits are automatically moved with the precinct. You do not need to move precinct splits separately. However, when you print the updated cards from PRINTING > Notices Queue, be sure to select all precinct splits within the moved precinct.

If the precinct provides an election board for another precinct, any change to the providing precinct's normal polling place are automatically applied to the sharing precinct.

For a specific election, you can temporarily move the precinct to another polling place, but the precinct will remain at its normal polling place for all other elections. See Change a Precinct's Polling Place for a Single Election for more information on temporary changes.