Last Update: May 11, 2015


Voter Verify

Voter Verify is a web service—accessible from any internet-connected, browser-capable device, including smartphones, iPads, tablets, or laptops—that gives poll workers and other elections officials eligibility information for registered voters.

Other than creation of a user ID for access, no setup is required and no network connection to the county database or FVRS is necessary. All the authorized user needs is a device with internet access and a browser.

Voter Verify replaces the laptop-only VoterLookup application, which provides non-networked access to in-county voter information from an onboard database.

Voter Verify is easy to use, so access can be given to temporary workers with a minimum of training. And because it is inquiry-only, there is no risk of unauthorized updates to voter registration databases. You should be careful, though, to limit the user ID to only those workers who need it. This ensures the web service is responsive to your needs rather than being burdened by requests from the public at large.


Voter Verify provides information on all Active and Inactive voters registered in Florida except those whose address is protected address. Pending, Incomplete, Unverified, and PreReg voters are not shown.

For voters residing in counties with a Voter Focus license, Voter Verify also provides eligibility data for specific elections, such as whether the voter has already voted by mail.

Voter Verify has a Show Precinct Finder button that lets you search for a county voter by house number and street name. Searching via Precinct Finder gives you the standard Precinct Finder Precinct Page Details display.