Last Update: December 22, 2014

How to Process an Application Suspended to Your County

What if there Are Duplicate Suspended Applications?

If there are duplicate suspended applications for the same person in the Suspense Queue, the Voter at a Glance dialog appears, listing the matching applications and any matching records. Matching applications display the text App in the dialog’s second column.

If there are possible matching records, follow the procedure in Records in the Database Are a Possible Match to the Suspended Application. In the case of a match, process each applications one-by-one against the matching record.

If there are no matching records:

  1. On the Voter at a Glance dialog, click the New icon to bring up the application information in the New Voter dialog and process the application as a new voter.

  2. Process each duplicate application one-by-one against the new voter record.

You might have a case where another county processed a new application, suspended it to your county, and then updated the suspended application with data they missed on the first pass. Under such a scenario, your county would initially see two suspended applications in the Suspense Queue. When you select the first application, you’ll see the message:

On checking with FVRS we find that this application has already been processed.
It is being removed from the local queue.

After clicking OK, you won’t see the first application in the list again. You should proceed from here by processing the second instance of the application.

You could also see the above message if an application is suspended by mistake to your county and then resuspended to the proper county. Click OK to remove the application from your Suspense Queue.