Last Update: December 05, 2014

Dialog Help

Relia-Vote® Utilities

To access:  VOTE BY MAIL > Relia-Vote Utilities

From this dialog you can run these utility programs:

Pickup Ballot ExportCreate an export file of pickup voters for processing by Relia-Vote. If the system option VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote by Mail > Relia-Vote Options > Export Reference Signatures is selected, this run will also create reference-signature files for use by Relia-Vote during signature verification.

Rerun Image Retrieval—Used in the event of a system failure or operator error during normal image retrieval to retrieve returned-ballot-envelope images from the Relia-Vote system. Do not run this utility unless a VR Systems technician asks you to.

Resend DispositionsResends ballot dispositions to Relia-Vote in the event the Pitney Bowes database was not updated properly with the disposition of returns. Contact VR Systems before running this utility.

Process Undeliverable Ballot ImagesIndexes to voter records the images of ballot envelopes that were as undeliverable by the Postal Service.