Last Update: April 17, 2014 |
How to
Note This topic is for counties with the Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote interface to Voter Focus.
Voter Focus provides a utility that resends mail-ballot dispositions to the Relia-Vote system in the event the Pitney Bowes database was not updated properly with the disposition of mail-ballot returns. If you believe your county needs to run this utility, we recommend you contact VR Systems first.
The Relia-Vote Resend Dispositions utility resends ballot dispositions from Voter Focus to Relia-Vote for:
Ballots marked as processed and therefore a disposition has already been sent.
Ballots marked as returned with voter errors.
Ballots whose disposition was Accepted are not resent.
To run the Relia-Vote Resend Dispositions utility:
1. Ensure that the election you want is in focus.
2. Go to VOTE BY MAIL > Relia-Vote Utilities > Resend Dispositions.
3. Click Start. The operation can be aborted at any time by clicking Cancel. The count of dispositions resent is shown in the status line. When the operation is finished, the status line will display Complete.