Last Update: January 12, 2015

Dialog Help

Place Maintenance—Inventory Tab

To access:  ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance > {place} > Inventory

On the Inventory tab you can keep a record of the items needed at the place. If you enter the number of items needed and the amount currently available, Voter Focus will determine the number you need to obtain, highlighting any item where there is a deficit.

If a different place has a similar set of inventory, you can copy the inventory from that place to the one you are working in by clicking Copy Inventory from Another Place, but be aware that the copy will overwrite any existing inventory items for the current place.

To add a new inventory item for the place, click New. This will bring up the Inventory Maintenance dialog, where you can enter the item ID, description, and amounts needed and available.

To change something about an item, highlight the item, click Select, and make the changes on the Inventory Maintenance dialog.

To delete an inventory item from the place, highlight the item and click Delete.

For a report on the inventory items for each place, run the List of Inventory.