Last Update: April 22, 2014

Dialog Help

Create New Election

To access:  ELECTIONS > Maintain Election Settings > New

This dialog lets you create a statewide or local election record in your county database. See How to Set Up an Election in the Database for more information.

Statewide Elections

A statewide election must first be created by the state on the FVRS system and be visible in the FVRS Election Number drop-down list. If you see this message when you first access this dialog:

All future Fvrs Elections have already been added to the local database.

It means that your database already has records for all statewide elections that the State has created, and you cannot create another local record. If the State has not yet created a statewide election for, you must wait until they do. Then the election will appear in the drop-down list, and you can proceed with creating a local record.

When you select a statewide election from the FVRS Election Number list, the Election Details from FVRS fields on the dialog are filled in with the data from FVRS. Click OK to bring up the Election Maintenance dialog, where you can specify the county-specific parameters for the election, such as early voting dates. You will need to fill out the Election Maintenance dialog and click OK in order for the election record to be created in Voter Focus, even though an election record exists on FVRS.

Keep in mind that elections for districts spanning multiple counties are by definition "statewide" elections. Because every county participating in the election must use the same FVRS election number, you should not create the election in Voter Focus until it appears in the FVRS Selection Number field.

Local Elections

To create a new local election, click New Local Election and fill out the Election Maintenance dialog.