Last Update: August 25, 2014


Election Worker Staffing Levels

To run:  REPORTING > Reports > Election Worker Reports > Election Staffing Reports > Election Worker Staffing Levels

This report helps you determine if your precincts are sufficiently staffed. For each precinct, it lists the number of workers required for each position and the number already assigned. Any difference between the two is highlighted by a triple asterisk (***).

Voter Focus calculates the required staffing level for each position based on the minimum number of workers required at each precinct (specified on the Election Worker Position Maintenance dialog) or the staffing in each position required for the number of precinct-register books at the precinct, whichever is greater. The number of books is determined by the number of eligible voters at the precinct who have not already voted divided by the number in the Estimated Voters per Book field on the election on the Election Planning and Sizing dialog, which appears when you run the report.

The report can be sorted by polling place categories. When you run it, you are asked which categories to include.