User Permissions
To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > User Permissions > {user type}
Your county's users may not have equal access to features in Voter Focus. Their ability to see data and run programs depends on their user type and the user permissions given to that user type.
The Voter Focus administrator defines permissions at the user type level, and then assigns each user to a user type. This saves the administrator from having to assign rights to each individual user.
The buttons and other access controls for features that the administrator has disabled for a user type are not displayed to users who are assigned that type. For example, if you disable the user permission called DeliverBallots, users of that user type do not see the Deliver Ballots button on the Vote By Mail tab and cannot set up mail ballots for delivery to voters. (In a few cases, access controls for disabled features are still shown, but are disabled.)
Click here for a description of the features secured by each user permission.
When VR Systems adds a secured feature to Voter Focus, the system administrator must enable the feature for the user types that need access to it.
User permissions are database-specific. If you create a new

On the Users List dialog, double-click a row in the Permissions column. You can do any of the following:
- To add a permission, highlight the feature in the left pane and click > to move it to the right pane.
- To remove a permission, highlight the feature in the right pane and click < to move it to the left pane.
- Click the << or >> button to move all features in one pane to the opposite pane.