Bulk Street Maint Search

To access:  STREETS & PRECINCT > Street Utilities > Bulk Street Move

This dialog is used with the Bulk Street Move program to move multiple street segments to a new precinct. On this dialog, you specify the geographic entity containing the street segments to be moved. You can specify a precinct, USPS mailing city, a city code, or a city code-city ward combination.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Precinct Split

Enter the ID of the precinct or precinct split to which the street segments you want to move are currently assigned.

Mailing City

Select a mailing city in which the street segments lie.


Select a city district to which the street segments are assigned.

City Ward

If you have selected a city district, select a city ward district to which the street segments are assigned.


Display the Street Bulk Maintenance Located Segments dialog, which lists all street segments currently assigned to the selected geographic entity.