Create a Mail Merge List of Workers Found in a Search

Voter Focus provides a Microsoft Word mail merge document that can be populated with the workers found in a search. To produce this document, you perform the search on the Worker Flexible Search dialog and then click Print List on the Search Results tab. The document looks like this:

If your county wants to customize the appearance of this list—to add or delete columns, or change the standard text such as the title—see Customize the Merge Document Used by the Print List Feature for instructions on modifying the list document for county-wide use.

If you want to create a personal version for your own use—leaving the standard version intact for other county users—follow the instructions on editing the file in Customize the Merge Document Used by the Print List Feature, but save your edited file under a name other than pwexportmergelist.doc. We suggest you save it under a file name that includes your user name, such as pwexportmergelist-cfowler.doc. You can save the file anywhere on the network that's convenient for you, but we suggest saving all merge documents in I:\Vr6Sharedbinaries\Docs. To create a list using your personal version of the mail merge document, follow the instructions in the second procedure below.