Files for Candidate Retrieval

Certain files generated in Voter Focus can be posted to your VR Tower website for retrieval by candidates. These files are described in the table below.


How Created

How Placed on Website

Mailing-label files for voters who request vote-by-mail ballots

Generated by a Voter Focus user running CANDIDATE SERVICES > Candidate Labels >Print Candidate Labels.

The files are automatically saved in a previously created folder on your network.

Picked up by VRScheduler - UpdateWebHosting.exe every 20 minutes and copied to the website.

Two FlexRep reports:

  • Text file without voting history

  • Text file with voting history

These files are generated by a Voter Focus user running REPORTING > Flexible Reports.

The reports are automatically saved in a previously created folder on your network.

Picked up by VRScheduler - UpdateWebHosting.exe every 20 minutes and copied to the website.

EViD Get Out the Vote Report


Generated by a Voter Focus user running EVID > Get Out the Vote Report >Queue Files for Web.

The report is automatically saved in a previously created folder on your network.

Picked up by VRScheduler - UpdateWebHosting.exe every 20 minutes and copied to the website.

State-required daily files:

  • Absentee Information File

  • Early Voting Voters List

  • Early Voting Summary

Created automatically by Voter Focus during an election cycle.

No effort on the user's part is required to generate these files.

Picked up by VRScheduler - UpdateWebHosting.exe every 20 minutes and copied to the website.