Upload or Update Tabulation Results on Election Night

When you generate the tabulation results file needed for Election Night Results web service, if you have selected the Include Precinct Level Results check box in Reporting Options, you must provide a Precinct-level results file. When generating your Precinct Level results file, you should:

  • Choose 30 day Precinct Level Results.

  • Ensure that Group Reporting is set to Yes.

Note: Verify that the threshold is set to 0 in your tabulation system. The suppression of 30 votes or less is automatically done by the ENR software and does not require changes to the tabulation system threshold.

If you have not selected Include Precinct Level Results, you can use either a State Summary file or a Precinct-level results file as your results file. Only the Summary Results tab will appear on your website.

Then use the following procedure to upload the tabulation results file to the Election Night Results web service. The procedure is the same whether you are uploading a test file, the results of an election for the first time, or refreshing existing results with updated data.