Edit Precincts Information Settings

If you have selected the Include Precinct Level Results option on the ENR Election Configuration Options page, you set up how your Precinctinformation will be displayed on the Precinct Information page.

Important: You cannot access these settings until you have posted Set Up an Election in ENR Prior to an Election.

To display this page, click the Edit Precincts link on the ENR home page in ENR.

The Precinct data uploaded from your tabulation system is shown in the tabular list. You can edit any of this information for display on the results page.

After loading your initial setup file, if specific Precincts are not participating in the election, you can exclude those precincts from the total Precincts to report by clearing the Participating check box for that Precinct. This change will be reflected in the ENR header, and if you are using maps, the area on the map for that Precinct will change to white.

After the Upload or Update Tabulation Results on Election Night from the tabulation system, when you are certain that all results from a Precinct have been reported, you can select the Completely Reported check box for that Precinct. This will change the Precincts Completely Reported number on the ENR header and if you are using maps, the area on the map for that Precinctwill change to green.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Enter the Precinct numbers of the completely reported Precincts in the box above the Precinct list. (This box appears only after the initial Upload or Update Tabulation Results on Election Night has been completed.) Separate the Precinct numbers with commas.

  • Select the All/None check box in the box above the Precinct list to mark off all Precincts as completely reported and update the number in the Precincts Reporting number on the ENR header. A reason ballots are counted needs to be done first in the process in order to mark districts as All/None reporting and to have the districts reporting box available to enter in districts.

Click Next/Save when you have filled out the page. If you are doing an initial setup, clicking Next takes you to the Edit Contest Information page.