Vote Types Settings

Vote Types

In the Vote Types Status section of the Configure Election Options page, users can decide on the vote types to be reported in the header of the ENR page by toggling the radio buttons.

Important: You cannot access these settings until you have posted Set Up an Election in ENR Prior to an Election.

To display this page, click the Edit Election Options link on the ENR home page.

Here, you can map each tabulation vote type to one of the ENR vote types in the drop-down: Election Day, Early Voting, Vote By Mail, Provisional, or Not Counted). If you do not see all expected vote types, reload your setup file with a L&A file that contains each possible vote type.

Note: You must set the vote type to one of the available types. Vote Types that have not been mapped will show "Select Vote Type" in the drop-down menu.

The ENR vote types are listed on the Summary Results tab and the Precinct Results tab when the View Type is Detailed. To suppress a vote type in the results, select the ENR vote type Not Counted.

Note: When you update Upload or Update Tabulation Results on Election Night, if it includes a vote type that has not been mapped to an ENR vote type, the vote type will automatically be created here and set to Not Counted.