Election Night Results Online Help


Election Nights Results (ENR) is a web service bundled with VR Tower, which allows counties to display election returns on the Supervisor’s website.

As ballots are tabulated, the votes counted so far can be quickly displayed, giving citizens and the media immediate access to the most current results. See How Election Results Are Presented on the Website for details.

Election results can remain on your website indefinitely as a public archive of past contests.

The ENR web service gives you the option to display a county map, color-coded to indicate:

  • Precincts reporting results (that is, Completely Reported, Partially Reported, Not Reported, or Not Participating)

  • Voter turnout percentages by Precinct

  • Results of individual races by Precinct

To display a map, you must provide VR Systems with files from your GIS system. See View—Precincts Reporting for more information.

In addition, site content can be translated to their preferred language using Google Translator.