
Last Update: October 09, 2014

Dialog Help

Election Worker Note

To access:  ELECTION WORKERS > Worker Maintenance > Notes > New (or double-click existing note)

This dialog lets you record or modify a note about a worker.

If you want a note to be flagged when making work assignments, select the See Comment/Notes option on the worker's General tab. The indicator <***> will appear next to the worker's position on the Election Worker Assignment by Precinct dialog.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog


This field defaults to the current date and time, but it can be changed, if you want.


If the note pertains to a specific election, select the election here. Selection of an election is required when you want to assign a worker to the standby pool.

Note text

Enter the note text. Up to 5000 characters is allowed. The message below the text box tell you how many characters you have used so far.

Enter a Review

Brings up the Election Worker Review dialog where you can add formatted review comments to the note. You can modify these comments after they have been added to the note.

Assign to Election Standby

Assigns the worker to the standby pool for the selected election.


Deletes the currently displayed note.


Saves changes to the currently displayed note.


Closes the dialog without saving any changes you have made.