Last update to page:  August 31, 2016

Voter Information Page

The Voter Information page displays a voter’s registration data and absentee ballot request status, as mandated for UOCAVA voters by the federal Military and Overseas Voters Empowerment (MOVE) Act and extended by the 2010 Florida elections law to all voters. It also provides polling place information, lists upcoming elections in which the voter is eligible, and displays their participation in elections held within the past 12 months.

To get to their Voter Information page, voters must first enter their credentials into a voter lookup form on the county or state DOE website. Both access points require the voter to enter their last name and other identifying data before they can see their Voter Information page.

Here's an example of a Voter Information page.


Voters who access the Voter Information page are offered:

  • The ability to access a voter registration form to update their registration.


This feature is accessible from a link labeled I wish to change my voter registration information.

  • A list of the upcoming elections in the county in which the voter is eligible to vote and the past elections occurring within the past 12 months in which they were eligible.


Elections are divided into two groups—Future Elections followed by Past Elections—and within groups are shown is ascending order by election date. For example, in the Future Elections group, the election whose date is farthest in the future tops the list. On Election Day, the current election appears in the Future Elections list.

Each election is shown in a box along with pertinent dates (election day, book closing, etc.) and information on the voter’s polling place for that election.

If the voter voted in a past election, there is a note indicating how the voter voted.

If a voter registered after book closing for an election for which they were otherwise eligible, they will see the message: You are ineligible for this election as your registration date is after registration closed.

Note  If an election has been created in Voter Focus, but the voting precincts and ballot styles have not been defined in the election record, the election will appear on all Voter Information pages, regardless of whether a voter is eligible to vote in that election.

  • The ability to request a mail ballot for an election or for all elections for which the voter is eligible through the next general election.


By clicking a link in the election box labeled Mail Ballot Change, the voter brings up a mail ballot request form.

The Mail Ballot Change link will not appear once the absentee-request deadline has passed (that is, after 5 pm on the Wednesday prior to election day).


This information is displayed when the voter clicks the button labeled Show My Mail Ballot Information in the election box.

In this example, the voter’s ballot has not been delivered yet. The address where the ballot will be sent is shown for future elections, and for the current election prior to delivery of the ballot:

After delivery, voters see the date when the ballot was sent out and the address where the ballot was delivered.

For a returned ballot, the voter will see one of the following:

  • Ballot <ballot number> Received by Office - <date of receipt>

  • Ballot <ballot number> Returned Undeliverable - <date of receipt>

Three days after the election, one of the following will be added to the display:

  • Ballot <ballot number> was Tabulated

  • Ballot <ballot number> was not Tabulated <reason why>

  • The ability to locate their polling place for every future election.


This includes:

  • The street address (taken from the Place USPS Address fields on the Places Maintenance dialog in Voter Focus).

  • A photograph (if provided by you—see How to Add Polling Place Photos to the Voter Information Page).

  • A link to the polling place location on Google Maps™, a different internet mapping service, or a map file on the county network or other location.

All this information is shown in the election box.

The polling place associated with the election is the voter’s normal polling place unless their precinct is temporarily assigned to a different polling place for a specific election. In such cases, the temporary polling place information (photo, Google Maps link, and street address) will replace that of the normal polling place.

  • Demographic statistics for the voter’s precinct and for their county.


This information in accessible from a link labeled Precinct Statistics. Statistics are automatically updated nightly.


  • Two additional features can be offered on the Voter Information page, provided that the supporting information is supplied by the elections office


  • A Sample Ballot for each election in which the voter is eligible to vote.

  • A list of current Office Holders for races in which the voter is eligible to vote, including federal, state, district, and local offices.

The Office Holders link appears by default, regardless of whether the office holders are defined.