Last Update: December 16, 2015

Dialog Help

Voter Response

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter} > Voter Response

This dialog lets you record a communication from a voter that the voter originated. This type of communication is known as a voter response. Recording a voter response automatically updates the voter's last-activity date. It also adds an entry on the voter's Audit and Comms tabs.

Note  Voter responses to mailings from the elections office are not recorded on this dialog. Such communications are considered returned mail and are processed as described in How to Process Mail Returned by a Voter.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog


The date your office received the voter response. Accept today's date or enter an earlier date.

Communication Type

Select a communication type from the drop-down list. The communication types displayed the list are defined in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > Communication Type Codes and have the option Notice is a Voter Response selected.


This is a free-form field where you can type up to 255 characters of comments about the voter's communication.