Create a List of Voters Who Have an Email Address on File

There are two types of email addresses that a voter can have in their record:

Public email address—Provided on the voter registration form and entered in the Registration Email (Public) field on the voter's Maint tab. These email addresses are considered public record.

Mail Ballot email address—Provided as part of a mail ballot request. These email addresses are not public record, so be sure to consider whether the recipient has a right to obtain this information before you release the output file or document.

Using FlexRep, you can create a list of voters showing:

  • only their public email addresses.

  • only their mail ballot email addresses.

  • both email address types.

The report lists the email addresses along with other voter information, as specified in What's in the FlexRep Export File?. Voters who do not have either type of email address are included, but you can edit out those voters.