Scanning Progress

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Scan Documents > Scan

This dialog lets you control the scanning of documents into a work area on your network. The Image note below the image indicates the image's position in the batch. Should an image be deleted from the batch, the numbering will be ordered.


Scan More Pages

Click Scan to initiate scanning of the documents. Once the batch contains a document, the label on this button changes to Scan More Pages.

Delete this image

If the document currently displayed is not scanned acceptably, click Delete this image to delete the image from the batch.

Arrow keys

Use the arrow keys to page through the scanned images in the batch.

Release Batch

Appears only if your county uses the Scan First feature. Clicking Release Batch adds the batch to the list of existing batches on the Select Image Batch dialog, inserts a Y in the Released column of that list, and makes the batch available users who are processing applications. Once a batch has been released, images cannot be added or removed.