Process Mail Originated by a Voter

Incoming mail or email from a voter that was initiated by the voter—as opposed to a voter's return of a mailing generated by the elections office—should be processed as a voter response. Such mailings might be a voter information card marked with a new residence address, a Vote-By-Mail request, a complaint from a voter about some issue, or an email advising you of a name, party, or address change.

In addition to making the change the voter has requested, it is important to record the receipt of such mail because doing so updates the voter's last-activity date. This prevents a voter from becoming Inactive status should they have no other activity than the mailing to your office.

The instructions for processing a voter response can be found in these topics. Choose the one that matches the situation presented by the voter:

The instructions are specifically geared toward these changes to the voter's record, but they are equally applicable to other mail communications you might receive for the voter, except that a new voter information card will be scheduled only if information on the card has changed.