Party Changes after Book Closing for a Primary

Changes to a local voter’s political party affiliation made after the book closing for a primary election (that is, during the party freeze period) can be entered into the voter’s record during the freeze period and the change will not be applied until after the election. This relieves elections staff from maintaining party changes manually during the freeze period. The day after Election Day (assuming that no book closings for other primary elections are in effect), FVRS will apply the party change and schedule a voter information card with the voter’s new party. This will occur during normal nightly processing.

Changes to party affiliations are not deferred for non-primary elections, only for elections where the purpose is to select one or more political party nominees. Unless the election is a primary, the party change is applied immediately.

In determining whether a party change can be applied immediately or must be deferred, Voter Focus checks whether the county has closed the books on the next primary election. If the books have closed, then it checks the voter’s eligibility to vote in the primary. If the voter is not eligible, the party change will be applied immediately. For example, if the upcoming election is a Republican primary, and the voter is changing from the Democratic Party to No Party Affiliation, the party change will be applied with no deferral.

Note:  If the voter's precinct is voting in the primary, any party change after book closing will be deferred, even if neither their old nor their new party is voting. For example, say you have a primary for Republican voters only, and Precinct 5 is voting in the primary. A Democratic voter in Precinct 5 who changes their party to NPA after book closing will have their party change deferred.