Continue the FVRS-Initiated Removal of Felons

Felon match records initiated by the State appear in the Eligibility Match Queue under the type NFEL. Once a match record appears in the queue, the Supervisor's office must assume responsibility for processing the voter's removal from the voter registration rolls. The Supervisor has seven days from the date shown in the Match Datefield in the Eligibility Match Queue to continue with the removal process initiated by FVRS.

When the State creates a felon match record, a Notice of Potential Ineligibility is scheduled for the voter in the Notices Queue. It is the county's responsibility to print the notice and mail it to the voter via certified mail. Printing of the notice starts the clock on the 30-day period the voter has to respond to the notice.

Along with creating the match record and scheduling the notice, the State sends your county a packet of electronic files containing the documentation on the felony conviction. The felon packet will be stored on your system in:

I:\Vr6Sharedbinaries\Felon Files\<potential felon's voter ID>

Note:  Felon packets should not be moved from the folder cited above. You can copy the packets to a different location, if you wish, but the originals should remain in the folder where they were initially placed by the State.

Typically, the county will send all or a portion of the felon packet to the voter along with the Notice of Potential Ineligibility. Some counties send only the conviction pages of the felony documentation along with the Notice of Potential Ineligibility and instructions on applying for clemency.

Important:   If your county has already received a felon packet from the courts, prior to any processing of the NFEL match record, you should notify the BVRS that you have potential ineligibility information for the voter. The State will then cancel their NFEL match record so that your county can initiate eligibility maintenance on the voter from the county side. But if you have not received felony information from the courts, then proceed with processing the FVRS-initiated match as described below.