Voter Response

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter} > Voter Response

This dialog lets you record a communication from a voter that the voter originated. This type of communication is known as a voter response. Recording a voter response automatically updates the voter's last-activity date. It also adds an entry on the voter's Audit and Comms tabs.

Note:  Voter responses to mailings from the elections office are not recorded on this dialog. Such communications are considered returned mail and are processed as described in Process Mail Returned by a Voter.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog


The date your office received the voter response. Accept today's date or enter an earlier date.

Communication Type

Select a communication type from the drop-down list. The communication types in the list are defined in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Codes > Communication Type Codes and have the option Notice is a Voter Response selected.


This is a free-form field where you can type up to 255 characters about the voter's communication.