Voter Maintenance—Activity Tab

To access: VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter} > Activity

The Activity tab displays the date of the voter's most recent activity as well as the dates of specific events.

Date Fields

Field Description
Last Voter Activity Date

The date of the voter's most recent activity, which is automatically updated by Voter Focus whenever there is voter activity (such as voting, communication from the voter, return by the voter of a mailing from the elections office, or request for a mail ballot).

Date Last Voted The date a ballot was last recorded in the system for the voter. After recording a ballot, this date is updated by running the Voting History Update program.
Status Change Date The date the voter's registration status was last changed. This shows when the voter's current status took effect.
Record Creation Date The date the voter's registration record in Voter Maintenance was created.
Registration Date

The date the voter registered to vote in the county. This date is also displayed on the Maint tab and is highlighted if the voter registered after book closing.

Date Last Voter Card Printed The date the voter's voter information card was printed from the Notices Queue.
Last Transaction

The date and time of the last transaction entered in the system for the voter, such as a change to a field in the voter's record, a record of communication, or a mail ballot request submission for the voter.

  • If a Final Notice has been scheduled for the voter, any voter activity automatically unschedules the notice.
  • If the number of times voted appears incorrect, contact VR Systems to discuss running the Clean Up Voter Report Fields program, which has an option that allows these fields to be recalculated.