Eligibility Match Queue

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Eligibility Match Queue


LIST MAINTENANCE > Eligibility Match Queue

This dialog lists records of potential ineligibility associated with local voters. You have the option of displaying all records or clearing left-side check boxes to limit the list to selected eligibility match types.

Double-click an item to display the Eligibility Maint tab in the voter's record where you can do maintenance on the potential ineligibility record.

The legend above the list shows colors associated with voter registration status of the voters undergoing eligibility maintenance.

See Eligibility Maintenance Process for more information.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Select All

Selects all check boxes corresponding to match types, so that all match records will be displayed.

Clear Selections

Clears all check boxes so you can more easily select just a few match types.


Indicates the type of match.

Match Status

Indicates the status of the match in the FVRS system:

  • PEN, Pending Action (This is the initial status applied by FVRS, indicating that the record is awaiting processing by the county.)
  • Match Record Created, Notice Scheduled
  • Notice Printed by System
  • Receipt received from Notice Delivery
  • Notice Returned Undeliverable
  • Newspaper Notice Scheduled
  • Hearing Requested
  • Hearing Scheduled
  • Awaiting Supervisor Final Determination
  • Voter Admitted Ineligibility
  • Final Determination Voter is Eligible
  • Final Determination Voter is Ineligible

Match Date

The date when the match record was created in the FVRS system.

Eligibility Match Report

Opens the Enter Parameter Values dialog where you can select the parameters for the Eligibility Match Report.

Print Saves an image of the current grid page to a print destination of your choosing.
Export Saves an Excel (XLSX) file of the entire grid contents to a location of your choosing.


Displays the Eligibility Maint tab in the voter's record. From there you can select an eligibility record for viewing or maintenance.