Eligibility Maintenance Item

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Eligibility Match Queue > {match record} > {match record}


VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance> {voter} > Eligibility Maint> {match record}

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Our Data

Data in this section is from the voter's record in the county database.

FVRS Notification #

A value here indicates the record of potential eligibility was originated by the State rather than your county.

Felon ID Number

This field has a value only when the match type is NFEL (a felon match initiated by FVRS). It displays the felon match ID.

Response to Notice

The buttons in this box are used to indicate responses to a Notice of Potential Ineligibility.

Certified Receipt Received Record receipt by your office of the certified-mail return receipt, indicating that the Notice of Potential Ineligibility has been delivered to the voter's address. You will be asked to enter the date when the receipt was received by your office.
Invalid Match

Click this button if you have positively determined that the match is invalid and the voter should remain eligible. Doing so removes the match from the FVRS match queue and unschedules the corresponding eligibility-maintenance notice to the voter. The Current Status field on the Eligibility Maintenance tab in the voter's record will show Match Deemed Invalid. No further eligibility maintenance activities will be necessary.

Voter Denies Ineligibility Requests Hearing Click this button if the voter responds to the Notice of Potential Ineligibility by denying they are ineligible and requesting a hearing with the Supervisor.

A box labeled Hearing Management (described below) will appear on the dialog where you can record the scheduling and holding of a hearing.

Voter Denies Ineligibility ,
No Hearing
Click this button if the voter responds to the Notice of Potential Ineligibility by denying they are ineligible but does not request a hearing with the Supervisor.
Voter Admits Ineligibility

Click this button if the voter responds to the Notice of Potential Ineligibility by admitting they are ineligible.

Clicking the Voter Admits Ineligibility button cancels future absentee requests and schedules a Canceled Request Notice.

Hearing Management

This box appears when the selection in the Response to Notice box is Voter Denies Ineligibility, Requests Hearing.

Hearing Date To schedule a hearing, enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format in the Hearing Date field. If the hearing has already taken place, you will still need to enter the date it occurred so that the hearing date can be sent to FVRS. You must click Save Hearing Date & Print Address Label to save the hearing date.
Save Hearing Date & Print Address Label Click this button to save the hearing date. You'll see the message:

Voters match status will be updated to Hearing Scheduled. Are you sure you want to continue?

Click Yes to open the Select Address for Label dialog from which you can print a label for correspondence to the voter about the hearing. If you don't need a label, just click Cancel to dismiss the dialog. Either way, the voter's status will be updated to Hearing Scheduled.
Hearing Conducted When the hearing has been held, click Hearing Conducted. You'll see the message:

Voters match status will be updated to Awaiting Final Determination. Are you sure you want to continue?

Click Yes to send notification to FVRS that the hearing has been conducted.

SOE Determination

This box appears when the voter's match status is Awaiting Final Determination.

Voter is Eligible The Supervisor has determined that the voter is still eligible to vote. The voter will be scheduled for a Notice of Eligibility, their match status will be changed to Final Determination Eligible, and their match record will be closed.
Voter is Ineligible The Supervisor has determined that the voter is no longer eligible to vote. The voter will be scheduled for a Notice of Ineligibility, their match status will be changed to Final Determination Ineligible, and their match record will be closed. Clicking on the Voter is Ineligible button cancels future absentee requests, and schedules a Canceled Request Notice.