Secondary Validation of Voter Applications

Secondary Validation slightly modifies the behavior of the quality-assurance feature in Voter Focus, which lets a QA user review and correct voter registration applications previously entered by another user. With Secondary Validation, the QA user does not review the previous user’s work; instead, they reenter the information from the registration form as if it were being entered for the first time. Any discrepancies between the QA user’s entry and those of the previous user are highlighted. The QA user can then decide which value to use.

The QA process with Secondary Validation is the same as described in Perform QA Verification of Voter Applications, with one exception: the Application QA Verification dialog does not display the values entered by the previous user. They are shown as follows:

  • For new applications, the fields are empty.
  • For existing applications, the fields hold the values that were present prior to any changes made by the previous user.

The system options Use Application QA and Use Secondary Entry must be selected in Voter Focus Admin > System Options to use this feature.

In addition, users must be granted the QualityAssurance permission to access the Quality Assurance queue.