Email Monitor

To access:  VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Utilities > Alerts > Email Monitor


VR DASHBOARD > Email Sender or Email Failure > Details

This dialog has two functions:

  • Failures—This box holds information about the failure of one or more emails to go out of the county email system. It will contain data only if Email Failure is listed in the Failures box on VR Dashboard.


Indicates the Voter Focus program and run that sent the first failed email. If the message type is <Unassigned>, the software did not detect which application/run originated the email.


The user name of the elections staff person who sent the email.

Error Message

An explanation of the type of email failure being encountered. Most failures are due to a problem with the SMTP server configuration or access.

Date Added

The date and time when the email was added to the queue awaiting transmission from the SMTP server.

Date Failed

The date and time when the second attempt by the system to send the email failed. No further attempts are made by the system after the second attempt.


The number of times the system has tried to send the email. Normally, this will be 2.

To Address

The email address of the recipient.

CC Address

The email address in the CC (copy to) field of the email message.

Email Subject

The text in the Subject line of the email message.

Attachment Path

The path to any file(s) attached to the email.


Click to see the latest status of the Email Monitor dialog.