Run Integrity Check

To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > Integrity Check Routine

The Integrity Check program examines the data in your Voter Focus database and creates a report indicating any irregularities, such as an invalid district code assigned to a precinct, a city with no city ward assignment, or election history that needs updating. The Integrity Check program should be run:

  • at least once a month, or more often if you think problems might be occurring
  • six weeks prior to an election
  • prior to book closing
  • before generating a precinct register
  • after changing one or more precinct IDs
  • to clean up overlapping street segments prior to redistricting

After running the program, it is important to print the report immediately and verify that no issues were detected. If issues are found, correct them and rerun the Integrity Check program until you get a clean report. Even a single error can lead to errors in other Voter Focus reports and perhaps even the failure to count an eligible voter as eligible to vote. See Reviewing the Integrity Check Report for a list of the issues that might be reported.

The Integrity Check program can be run while other users are on the system. However, because it is resource-intensive and usually runs over a period of several hours, we recommend you schedule the run after business hours so that users won't experience a dip in system performance.