Provide Voter Signatures to a Mail Balloting System

Note:  This topic is intended for counties using third-party mail balloting systems (such as BlueCrest Relia-Vote (formerly Pitney Bowes), Bell and Howell, or ES&S VoteRemote™) that are equipped with automated or manual signature recognition/verification capabilities. To use the procedures described here, the county must have the separately purchased Generic Envelope Reader Interface or BlueCrest Relia-Vote from VR Systems.

To use a third-party mail balloting system's ability to compare signatures on returned Vote-By-Mail envelopes with signatures on file in the voter registration database—whether by an automated signature recognition/verification feature or by human comparison of signatures—the signatures on file must be exported to the third-party system. These signatures are referred to as reference signatures. Export of voters' reference signature images to the third-party system should be done before you begin processing returned ballot packages from those voters on the third-party system.

Voter Focus has a utility program that collects signatures from each voter whose mail ballot request status for the focused election is Delivered. Each signature is saved in a TIF file in the folder you specify for reference signatures.