Create an Export File of Pickup Voters for Relia-Vote

Note:  This topic is for counties with the BlueCrest (formerly Pitney Bowes) Relia-Vote interface to Voter Focus.

Vote-By-Mail ballots picked up at the elections office and returned by mail can be processed by the BlueCrest Relia-Vote system, even though the ballot packages were not initially created by Relia-Vote. To support return processing of pickup ballots, an export file of pickup voters is generated in Voter Focus and delivered to Relia-Vote for processing.

Relia-Vote creates a ballot record for each pickup ballot and sets its current status to Delivered, just as if the ballot package had been created by Relia-Vote. When the ballot is returned, it can be processed by Relia-Vote along with the returned ballots delivered to voters by mail.

If you are using the Relia-Vote signature verification feature, you will also want to create the pickup voters' signature files when you do the pickup export. In order for this to happen, the system option VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote By Mail > Relia-Vote Options > Export Reference Signatures must be set and a location for the signature files must be specified in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Vote By Mail > Relia-Vote Options > Signature Export Path.

Note:  The export file shows only those ballots that were picked up by voters. It does not include in-office absentee ballots, because these are not returned through the Relia-Vote machine.