Print Envelope Sort Order

To access:  Vote By Mail > Deliver Ballots > Change Sort Order

Here you set the order in which mail ballot labels, envelopes, and records in mail ballot export files are sorted. The number next to each field in the sort sequence indicates its order in the sort, with the first sort being applied to the field assigned to 1, the second sort to the field assigned to 2, etc. No sorting is performed for the fields whose sort sequence is zero.

In the example below, the records will be sorted first by ballot style, then by precinct, and then by voter last name, in ascending (A to Z) order.

The Descending check box applies only to the Voter Name field. If it was selected in the example here, the sorting would be first by ballot style, second by precinct, and third by voter last name, in Z to A order.

It is not possible to sort by zip code.