FlexRep Menu—Email Selection

The Email Selection box appears only when the selection in the Output Option box is Text File without Voting History or Text File with Voting History.

Selection of a check box here adds a column to the FlexRep output containing email addresses of the selected type. If you select both check boxes, you will see two columns for email addresses:  a column for each type.

Vote-By-Mail Email Addresses

Select to include voter addresses from the Vote By Mail tab in voter records. These will be shown in the FlexRep output in the column Vote_by_ Mail_Email_Address.

Note:  Email addresses provided as part of a mail ballot request are not public record, so be sure to consider whether the recipient has a right to obtain this information before you release the output file or document.

Public Email Addresses

Select to include voter addresses from the Maint tab in voter records. These will be shown in the FlexRep output in the column Public_Email_Address.

Note:  These email addresses are public record.

See Create a List of Voters Who Have an Email Address on File for more information.