Petition Circulator Codes

Counties may need to track the number of signatures claimed and processed by Paid Circulators. In System CodesPetition Circulators, users can modify the list of circulators for your county, as necessary. By default, the following codes are included:


Prior to HB5


No Circulator Number

999 Volunteer

A daily automated process adds circulators that have been added to the State's approved list. However, the automated process does not update expired circulators, nor does it remove old or retired circulators.

For expired and retired circulators, go to System Codes > Petition Circulators and:

  • Select a circulator from the list and clear the Active box. This marks the circulator as inactive but does not remove the item from the list. The circulator can be manually reactivated at any time.
  • Select a circulator and click Delete on the toolbar to remove the item from the list.

You can also save modifications to the Circulator Name value and add circulators manually in System Codes, if needed.