Activate Voters Who Will Be 18 on Election Day

Automatic Daily Run

The Activate 18 Year Olds program runs automatically on a daily basis. You can also run the program manually, if the need arises. Whether the programs runs automatically or manually, the program:

  • Identifies voters with the Pre-registered status and:
    • Daily automatic run—Are 18 on the current date (the date the automatic program runs).
    • Manual run—Are or will be 18 on the date entered when running the program.

    For each voter who is or will be 18, the program does the following:

    • Changes the Pre-registered voter status to Active status.
    • Schedules a Voter ID Card (and labels, provided the option County Uses Voter Labels is set in VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options).
    • Schedules the Welcome Letter for 18 Year Olds notice.
    • Removes the Seventeen Yr Old Welcome notice, when applicable.
  • Removes the ID requirement for MARG voters who are 65 by the current or specified date.
Note: These new voters do not have to be activated to be included in precinct registers. If they are 18 by election day and otherwise eligible, their name will be in the register, regardless of whether they were activated.

Users must have the permission ActivatePreReg to run the program manually.